This article provides information about the Importance of a good Text-Book:

1. It Meets the Needs of Students:

A good text-book is written from students’ point of view recognizing their difficulties and limitations.

It, therefore, meets their needs by the use of simple headings, sub-headings, questions, exercises, maps, charts, pictures and other illustrative aids.

2. It Helps in Developing Study Skills:

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A good text-book gives a common basis on which the process of reading, analyzing, outlining and summarizing can be mastered.

3. It Gives an Accurate Account of the Subject:

A good text-book gives a reasonably correct- account of the subject, field or area in an organised manner. Its treatment of the subject- matter is logical and systematic because it is written according to the latest syllabus, prescribed for the class. It, thus, sets a standard of the minimum essential, to be achieved by students of all categories in the class.

4. It Suggests Application of the Material Read:

A good text-book in addition to giving the required subject- matter, suggests application of that material through assignments, drills, questions, projects, problems and other exercises of all sorts- reproductive imaginative, dramatic and manual

5. It Reflects and Establishes Standards:

A good text-book indicates what a teacher is to do to teach and what a pupil is to do to learn. Thus, by its teaching aids, it greatly effects methods as well as reflects and establishes the standards of scholarship.

6. It Expands and Limits its Scope and Size According to Needs:


A good text-book can expand and delimit its scope, size and content according to the changing requirements of education. Thus, it may sometimes lead and sometimes follow the educational process.

7. It can serve as Basis for Almost all the Methods:

Almost all the methods of teaching can be used with the text-book as a basis of study. Thus, Assignment Procedure of Discussion, Problem, Project and Unit methods can all be used with advantage with the help of the text-book. All these methods and activities are rather suggested in the text-book at the end of each chapter.

8. It can serve as an Organ of National Integration:

By coordinating various activities in history a text-book can serve as an organ of national integration. Everyone connected or concerned with national co-ordination in India, has emphasised the improvement of inter-cultural friendship in India by giving a careful consideration to school text-book.

9. It Makes Self-teaching Possible:

Imparting of education through lecturing has high value, no doubt. But the impact of even the best spoken words is transitory in character. And in course of time, almost everything listened, goes out of mind. From a text-book, the student can have a connected view of the whole topic as discussed in the class even if he has missed a few lectures.
